Видео «Plant Canopy Imager Live Training»

Описание ролика

We have designed this training to take you and your team from first use to a high level of comfort with the functionality of the device in the field. This training is also a great opportunity for current and prospective users of the Plant Canopy Imager to get their questions answered and explore the specifics of device operation. Stick around for the live Q&A session following the training. Join us to learn: -Best practices in data collection -Device menu structure and operation -Tips and tricks to improve accuracy and consistency -Advantages of hemispherical photography for canopy analysis -How research teams can effectively integrate instant plant canopy measurements into their field work.

Логотип CID Bio-Science

Оборудование в видео

рекомендуемCI-110 – цифровой имаджер растительного полога
Арт.: CI-110Производитель: CID Bio-Science

CI-110 - это инновационный анализатор листового индекса (LAI) (анализатор проективного покрытия кроны) (анализатор густоты растительности) с широкими возможностями!

CI-110 – цифровой имаджер растительного полога
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